Students who do not live on campus but wish to attend life skills classes may elect how many classes they would like each month according to the commuter plan they choose. Classes are available from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, unless otherwise noted. The fee for each class* is fifty ($50) dollars and includes general supplies. Specialty classes, such as Kitchen Master's, may require an additional cost for supplies. Transportation to off-campus educational classes and activities is not provided.
Both of The College for Living's commuter plans includes:
- One class per day Monday-Friday focused on developing independent life skills.
- An initial (as well as periodic) and quarterly assessments of student’s needs and goals.
- Membership and access to campus amenities
- Valuable instruction geared towards developing independence
- An opportunity to create a community of peers and supports
- Regular progress meetings with the College for Living Program Coordinator.
*Please note that some curriculum lessons are taught in series. Class series must be attended in full and be purchased at one time.
Full Time Commuter Student
Student is required to attend eight (8) instructional classes per month. Each class will feature one hour of instructional skill-building and one hour of social development with peers. Students are also required to attend at least one (1) scheduled Friday social outing per month. This is a complimentary class although transportation and activity costs must be provided by the student.
Part Time Commuter Student
Student is required to attend four (4) instructional classes per month. Each class will feature one hour of instructional skill-building and one hour of social development with peers. Students are invited to attend social outings on Friday evenings at no additional cost on a first come first serve basis.