Admissions Process

​Each applicant will meet with the College for Living team throughout the admissions process. Our team works with each potential student to determine their eligibility for our program. Applicants may be accepted or offered placement on the waiting list if they do not yet meet all requirements. 

Participation Requirements

College for Living students must demonstrate the ability to safely navigate the college environment with limited direct supervision and have the following life experience:

Life Experience

  • At least 21 years of age
  • Completed high school or high school equivalent
  • Have a diagnosed intellectual/developmental disability or significant learning challenges
  • Have some experience cleaning and maintaining personal living spaces

Abilities and Interests

A successful College for Living student...

  • Is self-motivated to learn and ready to take responsibility for their learning
  • Desires to live independently and has a support network that supports their goals
  • Has the ability to maintain their own health, safety, and wellness within the support system of our general education program or have a plan for additional supports 
  • Has the ability to meet their individual self-care and medication administration needs independently or have a plan to address those needs 
  • Has basic academic requirements such as basic reading, writing, and following directions, as determined by the College for Living admissions team 
  • Accepts responsibility for their actions
  • Respectfully accepts feedback and instruction from the College for Living team
  • Is willing to grow and learn in the College for Living program through safe and respectful interactions 
  • Will honor their commitment to participating in our transitional education program
  • Contributes to the College for Living community by following our Community Standards
  • Will demonstrate self-control and the ability to learn from structured coaching
  • Qualifies for the Housing and Urban Development housing assistance program

Letter of Recommendation 

Part of the College for Living application process includes submitting two letters of recommendation. Please ask two professionals who have worked with you in the last five years to complete this form. The professionals you choose should have worked with you regularly for at least one year. Examples include educator, tutor, doctor, counselor, direct service professional, employment specialist, or other support person. 

​Two letters of recommendation must be submitted before your application can be reviewed by the College for Living team. Please use the College for Living recommendation form.