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Day Spring Blog

Happy Halloween from Day Spring

It has been a beautiful fall with several sunny days for our residents to enjoy the outdoors! Check out what we have been up to!

All Day Spring participants are required to be on the Support for Community Living waiver. Not sure what the SCL waiver is? That's okay! We'll break it down for you.

We had over a dozen vendors ranging between jewelry, shaved ice, crafts, woodwork, balloons, and art! A HUGE thank you to our first round of vendors.

Day Spring Fling was a huge success! Sponsors and volunteers helped raise more than $11,000 for property improvements at Day Spring!

At the Flaget Alumni Association's Annual Luncheon, they recognized non-profits throughout the Louisville area and gave sizable donations to each charity. Day Spring is proud to be among a group of such wonderful organizations. Board member, Becca Krall, attended the event on Day Spring's behalf.

Day Spring will welcome Lauren Hays as the new CEO on October 25th! For more information, please click here. 

Thank you to everyone who gave to Day Spring through Give for Good Louisville!

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